FAQs Page

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes, foreigners can own property in Costa Rica. They have the same property rights as Costa Rican citizens.

No, there are no restrictions on foreign ownership of property, except in certain maritime zones.

Costa Rica offers a variety of properties, including homes, businesses, beachfront or mountain properties, and more.

The real estate market varies by region. Generally, popular tourist destinations have a more active market such as the Caribbean coast.

The process involves due diligence, a purchase agreement, and registration with the National Registry.

Property taxes are relatively low compared to many other countries. They are calculated as a percentage of the registered property value.

Notaries play a crucial role in real estate transactions, ensuring all legal requirements are met and documents are properly executed.

Coastal properties often have a maritime zone concession, and it's essential to understand the regulations regarding its use.

 Infrastructure can vary, and it's important to consider road access, utilities, and services.

Yes, property management services are available.

The cost of living varies, but it is generally lower than in many Western countries.

Yes, many property owners in Costa Rica rent out their homes, especially in the Caribbean and other tourist areas.

Yes, there are zoning regulations and environmental considerations that must be taken into account. Especially for properties on maritime zone or wildlife reserves.


Yes, title insurance is available.

Property ownership can be a basis for obtaining residency, but the process is separate and involves additional requirements.

Yes, non-residents are subject to property taxes.


Closing costs generally range from 3% to 5% of the property value and include notary fees, transfer taxes, and registration fees.


Yes, there are regulations regarding tree removal to protect the environment. Permits may be required.

The timeline can vary, but property transactions typically take from 30 to 90 days to complete.

Rental income is subject to income tax, and property owners should be aware of their tax obligations.

Building permits are obtained through the local municipality, and compliance with zoning regulations is crucial.

Yes, it's common for foreigners to own property through a Costa Rican corporation, but legal advice is essential.

sellers checklist

Looking to sell your home, make sure you have the following documents ready for us before contacting us to list your home or property.

  • Plano (Survey)
  • Title
  • Owner's ID
  • Personeria Juridica Certification (if owned by a Corporation)
  • Corporate taxes Receipt (if owned by a corporation)
  • Municipal Taxes Receipt
  • Uso de Suelo
  • Municipal Visados
  • BuildingPermits (less than 10 years old)
  • Inventory List
  • Utilities Payments Receipts
  • Plano (Survey)
  • Title
  • Owner's ID
  • Personaria Jurídica Certification (if owned by a corporation)
  • Corporate Taxes Receipt (if owned by a corporation)
  • Municipal Taxes Receipt
  • Uso de suelo
  • Municipal Visados